Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wednesday Draw is a Launch

With nobody winning the jackpot Saturday it continues to rise towards the $100 million mark so the pool is in for this Wednesday's draw. Check whether or not I've recorded your payment on the member link to the right. Good luck to us all!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tag that money!

If you give me money for a drawing PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE either attach it with a note with your name on it or verify that I've done similar either on the computer or otherwise! This will help me keep track of who has paid what and how much. Thanks! John

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pool Wins $30

We matched the Powerball three times this evening - one of those matches had a whiteball right - so that one earned us $12. The other two were single powerball picks for $9 each.

The first five numbers were: 2-8-22-39-37 which did represent the second majority set of our even-odd ratio with 17 picks. (The first set was the 3 odd and 2 even at 18 picks.) The sum was lower than our accepted range so that hurt our potential earnings.

Hopefully, we'll get another chance next Wednesday. Good luck to us all!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Is Anybody Reading This Blog?

Do you find this blog / website useful? If so, please leave a comment for this post. This site serves as an information clearing house for our pool and is an easier and more environmentally friendly method for me to distribute information to the pool members. But time is valuable and if people are not utilizing the resource? Then honestly there's no sense in me putting as much time as I do into updating it.

I'm not asking for responses to any or all posts here - I just need to know if you are actually reading and viewing what's written - because that's what the main purpose of the blog / website is and since there's no "hit counter" here - those no way for me know if anyone is accessing the blog besides leaving a comment here. Thanks for your cooperation!
