Monday, April 09, 2007

Let's Get Back IN This Thing!

The Lottery is running a special promotion where the powerball could come up to be a 10x multiplier - which could mean big bucks - even if you don't win the jackpot. It's been nearly a month since we've played - so I'm making an executive decision to restart the pool this coming Wednesday the 11th- even though the jackpot isn't up to our normal target of $50 million.

You don't have to participate of course or your could do so at a reduced level if you are a $5 member and contribute $2 instead.

The "Pool Financials" link to the right is up to date and should represent all payments I've received since yesterday (Monday). Remember, the fifth column shows your balance AFTER any payments for the next upcoming draw. So if it shows $2 or $5? You're paid up for this Wednesday's drawing. If it shows a greater amount? You're good for this drawing plus more. If it shows nothing? You are NOT paid for this coming drawing and if you wish to participate you need to tender funds.

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