Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Miss A Payment For A Draw?

I realize that we all lead busy lives and sometimes paying your lottery dues just doesn't make it to the top your agenda. Sometimes, as what occurred this week - I had to leave Wednesday and even if you wanted to pay your dues on that day - you couldn't. Or, you might be absent as well. So I've decided to offer an option - other than banking your dues - to participate with us in the event Wednesday arrives and you realize you haven't contributed your $2 or $5. Here's my plan:

If you haven't paid your dues and you do wish to participate with us it's YOUR responsibility to call me or Anna the night of the drawing (or before) to make arrangements for your participation. (For security reasons I'm not giving our cell numbers here but on request you can have them.) For that drawing only - I'll cover your $2 or $5. Your allowed participation in future drawings will hinge on the promptness of your repayment of this IOU and I reserve the route to disallow your participation for future drawings if this becomes a chronic problem. Please note: IF I DON'T HEAR FROM YOU AND WE DON'T MAKE ARRANGEMENTS BEFORE THE DRAWING THEN YOU WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY POTENTIAL WINDFALLS IF WE DO WIN! NO EXCEPTIONS!

I will not accept payments AFTER a drawing win IF you did not make a concerted effort to let me know you wished to participate in that drawing.

This option will be added as an addendum to our existing agreements - if you don't accept this change or have concerns - please talk to me before you participate further in our pool.

Please also remember, you always have the option of paying in advance or banking funds and ultimately this makes it easier on everyone when it comes to managing our pool money. This new after-the-draw payment option will create a little more money juggling on my part but I don't mind doing it because it does benefit the pool to have the maximum amount of participants possible for every drawing which subsequently increases our odds of winning. So in that regard, everyone wins.

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